Economic Uncertainty: What it means for Economic Development Organizations and Chambers of Commerce

Image of dark stormy clouds over beach

In an increasingly interconnected global economy, economic uncertainty has become a significant challenge facing economic development organizations (EDOs) and chambers of commerce in today’s complex global environment. Economic uncertainty refers to the unpredictability and volatility in economic conditions, policies, and markets that can impact business operations, investment decisions, and overall economic growth. Today’s economic developers […]

Economic Development Insights: A 2024 Mid-Year Roundup and a Look at What’s Next

image of pages of charts and graphics on a table with reading glasses and a pen

We’ve compiled a recap of the topics we’ve explored in our blog thus far in 2024, offering insights and strategies for economic development professionals navigating an ever-changing landscape. Convergent Nonprofit Solutions dove deep into the heart of issues shaping the economic development landscape, exploring how infrastructure acts as the unsung hero of thriving cities, how […]

Impact of Public Health Crises on Economic Development

Illustration of a coronavirus particle. The spherical virus is depicted with a blue core and covered in spike proteins, shown in red and white, protruding from its surface. This image represents the microscopic appearance of the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic. The background is a gradient of dark to light blue. The image is used in an article titled "Impact of Public Health Crises on Economic Development," highlighting the significant influence of health emergencies on global economies.

Economic developers are often tasked with addressing limiting circumstances within their communities that extend well beyond economic factors. Public health crises, ranging from global pandemics to more personal yet equally weighty issues like mental health crises, create scenarios with severe implications for their organizations and communities. The unexpected upheaval caused by the COVID-19 pandemic underscored […]

Navigating Change: Effective Strategies for Economic Development Organizations

A close-up of a road sign

Perhaps somewhat ironically, change is often the only constant in business. We live in a VUCA world – Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous. This phenomenon touches everything today, leading to head-spinning and rapid change on both a global and local scale. Economic Development Organizations (EDO) face a unique set of challenges to address. What does […]

Childcare and Workforce Development: The Critical Link for Fundraising Now

A man and a child sitting at a desk with a computer, engaged in a focused conversation.

Childcare is getting a lot of press these days.  Beyond the mountain of evidence that it pays huge dividends in reading skills, graduation rates, secondary education attainment, and lifetime earnings, the link to economic development is becoming increasingly important.  Many of our clients now consider it an integral part of their economic development program of […]

The Interwoven Nature of Infrastructure in Economic Development

A graphic image of a city with buildings and cars

Infrastructure serves as the backbone of economic development, playing a crucial role in facilitating the movement of goods and people, providing essential services and supporting business operations. However, inadequate or deficient infrastructure can significantly impede local economic growth and competitiveness. From transportation networks to utilities and digital infrastructure, each component plays a vital role in […]