Economic Uncertainty: What it means for Economic Development Organizations and Chambers of Commerce

In an increasingly interconnected global economy, economic uncertainty has become a significant challenge facing economic

Unpacking the 2024 Giving USA Report: What Does the Data Say About the State of Giving?

Earlier this month I shared my thoughts about the recent annual Giving USA Report in

Tom’s Takeaways: The Continued Decline in Giving….The Uncomfortable Conversation.

The recent release of the Giving USA 2024 report, widely quoted and the most robust

Economic Development Insights: A 2024 Mid-Year Roundup and a Look at What’s Next

We’ve compiled a recap of the topics we’ve explored in our blog thus far in

Halfway There: Recapping the Key Nonprofit Strategies from 2024, and a Peek at What’s To Come

The first half of 2024 had us tackling a series of crucial topics in our

Aligning Technology & Human Capabilities for Nonprofits

Technology has received negative attention of late, particularly with the rise of AI in organizational

Impact of Public Health Crises on Economic Development

Economic developers are often tasked with addressing limiting circumstances within their communities that extend well

Wealth Screening 101: What Nonprofits Need to Know

Your nonprofit engages in many fundraising activities to generate the revenue you need to further

Playbook: Incorporate Planned Giving into a Capital Campaign

Capital campaigns drive incredible impact for nonprofit organizations, funding important new investments that grow their

Navigating Change: Effective Strategies for Economic Development Organizations

Perhaps somewhat ironically, change is often the only constant in business. We live in a

Best Practices in Change Management for Nonprofit Organizations

Change is an inevitable reality for nonprofit organizations, requiring continuous adaptation to meet the evolving

Childcare and Workforce Development: The Critical Link for Fundraising Now

Childcare is getting a lot of press these days.  Beyond the mountain of evidence that