Aligning Technology & Human Capabilities for Nonprofits

A robotic device handing a cup to a bearded man wearing reading glasses, who is holding a notebook. The interaction takes place in a modern indoor setting, emphasizing the collaboration between technology and human effort. The man, focused and engaged, represents the human aspect, while the robotic arm symbolizes technological advancement.

Technology has received negative attention of late, particularly with the rise of AI in organizational operations and the ensuing fear of “robots taking over our jobs.” However, it doesn’t have to be all about machines taking over and replacing human workers. In a recent Harvard Business Review article aptly entitled “AI Won’t Replace Humans — […]

Best Practices in Change Management for Nonprofit Organizations

A road sign with a red circle and black text

Change is an inevitable reality for nonprofit organizations, requiring continuous adaptation to meet the evolving needs of their donors, stakeholders, and communities. Whether it’s a shift in funding, restructuring staff, new technologies, or a crisis demanding swift action, effective change management is crucial for nonprofits to thrive through challenging moments that stress employees, clients, fundraising […]

The Role of Cybersecurity for Nonprofit Organizations

male interacting with a digital interface focused on cyber security concepts

News of cyber-attacks and data breaches have recently crossed our news streaming platforms at a frighteningly increasing rate. Already in 2024, dozens of companies in all industries, ranging from American Express to United Health, have reported breaches affecting millions of customers. A recent Harvard Business Review analysis cited that, globally, the number of cyber-attack victims […]

5 Ways Nonprofits Can Improve Data Quality and Insights

The title of the text next to an image of a laptop and data reports.

In many ways, a nonprofit is like a small business. While businesses try to increase sales and make a profit, nonprofits attempt to collect donations and drive support for their causes. In both cases, data allows you to make more informed decisions that boost incoming revenue. However, you can’t make reliable decisions if your data […]