Tom's Takeaways in 2023: A Year of New OVP's
18 Dec 2023
Capital Campaign
It's been quite a year for Convergent and we are rolling into 2024 with a full head of steam. As some of you know, for all of our more traditional campaigns, we develop what we call an Organizational Value Proposition®, or OVP. For clients engaged in economic development activities, we move to a more straight forward return-on-investment methodology. Whatever you call it, these efforts highlight and quantify the sometimes not-so-obvious areas of value to demonstrate for investors different ways in which a project and organization can be viewed. An Organizational Value Proposition® helps investors shift their perspective from a purely emotional mindset to one of investment, raising the sights of individual investors and the campaign in general.
In years past we valued some interesting things, from the benefits of membership in a 179-year-old yacht club to the financially sustainable benefits of a monastery opening a caf© so that visitors can linger longer (thereby being more inclined to financially support them).
This year brought some more interesting areas to value in our campaigns, including:
Historic Landmarks
A historic estate needed to expand it special event venues to allow more earned income. We showed the financial impact it could deliver to the organization and the community.
Pet Welfare
A pet rescue facility badly needed a new facility that would be more accessible and efficient. We demonstrated just what these cost savings would mean to the community and that it was a very good investment.
Workforce Development
A statewide workforce development effort needed to show what it's internship program would mean to the state. We illustrated where their interns landed and the financial impact they brought with them.
Financial Services for the Unbanked
The costs of not being able to access the banking system was severely holding back an area in terms of expanding the workforce. We showed how access to a user-friendly banking saved everyone money.
Healthy Outcomes
A YMCA needed more space to accommodate its growing and aging population. We illustrated the value of some negative consequences that would be avoided if the new facility was built, including the costs of obesity and drownings (because of more swimming lessons offered), and the positive effects of increased capacity for senior fitness.
Food Desert
A human services nonprofit that was funding a grocery store to help address the inaccessibility of nutritious food in urban areas. We highlighted the cost savings, access, and the result of reduced travel costs.
We look forward to another great year of helping nonprofits demonstrate their value and transforming that value into greater, more sustainable funding.