Chloe Rushing

Project Director

What started in college, evolved into a professional career for Chloe as she found the prospect of contributing to initiatives that empower and uplift the local community aligned perfectly with her personal and professional values. Now bringing over 16 years of experience with nonprofit organizations to Convergent, Chloe specializes in successful strategic and effective fundraising campaigns. 

 Over the years, she has had the privilege of collaborating with a diverse range of nonprofits in Texas, from grassroots initiatives to established organizations, helping them raise essential funds to support their impactful projects. When Houston was devastated by Hurricane Harvey and it impacted a major fundraising event, Chloe was able to quickly steer and pivot the event into the highest fundraising event to date, raising over $300,000 to benefit a youth reading program. In the eight years Chloe was a Director at Legacy Community Health, the organization completed a successful $15 million dollar capital campaign resulting in two new state of the art clinics providing programs and services in North and Southwest Houston.

 Chloe’s approach to fundraising is rooted in building meaningful relationships. Believing that every supporter is a partner in creating change with results, she works closely with nonprofits to craft compelling narratives that resonate with donors’ values. 

Summary of Experience
  • Development and Regional Director for Alzheimer’s Association, Houston, TX.
  • Development Director of Major Fundraising and Special Events for Legacy Community Health (Including a $15 million Capital Campaign initiative), Houston, TX.
  • Development Director for Texas Children in Nature, Austin, TX
  • Member – AFP Greater Houston (including the Alford Women’s Impact Initiative (WII) Leadership Development Program, and the AFP Consultants Affinity Group)
  • Board Member – L.I.F.E. Houston
  • Local Fundraising Initiatives as Evolve HTX Community Champion and Fundraising Chair for Johnnie Means Aquatics
  • BS in Psychology from University of Houston.