5 Steps to Strengthen your Resource Development Strategy

Having spent my entire career in the nonprofit world, I’m all too well acquainted with the proverbial merry-go-round of fundraising activities that occur throughout the course of the year. The merry-go-round spins more quickly as we approach the finish line of year-end giving. January comes, and then there’s a hard reset; we catch our breath […]

Nonprofit Management During a Recession: How to Keep Your Mission Moving Forward

Nonprofit professionals standing with arms around one another

Nonprofit management during a recession can make or break an organization. Keeping your mission moving during a recession is a difficult task made more challenging by increased demand for services and the potential for declining revenues. As discussed in the Harvard Business Review, the public hopes that nonprofits will expand during a recession but “The […]

Nonprofit Staffing Shortages: Don’t Let Funding Pay the Price

A visual representation of nonprofit staffing shortages

Staffing shortages have become prevalent across industries—and the nonprofit sector is no exception. So how can you fill the staffing gap in your organization? Your nonprofit’s mission is too important to let staffing shortages interrupt your fundraising success. Resource Development Services from Convergent Nonprofit Solutions can help you overcome these challenges to make your vision […]

5 Questions to Help Craft a Strong Case for Support

Case for Nonprofit Capital Campaign Support Compass

A nonprofit organization’s Case for Support, or Case for Investment as we call it, is the compass that guides your development efforts. A good Case for Support is logical and provides rational reasons for a donor to invest in your nonprofit. A great Case for Support creates passion, tells your story, and clarifies what you’re […]

Still Confused by “Capital” Campaign?

Arrows on a chalk board, representing capital campaign questions and confusion

When you hear the term capital campaign, you may immediately think of architecture drawings, design plans, and contractor bids. Not so! While they originated as a brick-and-mortar fundraising method, capital campaigns now serve every facet of the nonprofit sector and refer instead to a multi-year, large-scale funding effort. Anything from programmatic expansions to long-term operating […]