Unpacking the 2024 Giving USA Report: What Does the Data Say About the State of Giving?

Image of hand holding a pen on to a stack charts and reporrs

Earlier this month I shared my thoughts about the recent annual Giving USA Report in Tom’s Takeaways: The Continued Decline in Giving….The Uncomfortable Conversation.  To recap, the decline should be a wake-up call and call to action for nonprofits to become more financially sustainable by moving from the donor/charity model of raising money to an […]

Childcare and Workforce Development: The Critical Link for Fundraising Now

A man and a child sitting at a desk with a computer, engaged in a focused conversation.

Childcare is getting a lot of press these days.  Beyond the mountain of evidence that it pays huge dividends in reading skills, graduation rates, secondary education attainment, and lifetime earnings, the link to economic development is becoming increasingly important.  Many of our clients now consider it an integral part of their economic development program of […]

Tom’s Takeaways in 2023: A Year of New OVP’s

Graphic illustrating that large investments are both an emotional and rational act

It’s been quite a year for Convergent and we are rolling into 2024 with a full head of steam.  As some of you know, for all of our more traditional campaigns, we develop what we call an Organizational Value Proposition®, or OVP.  For clients engaged in economic development activities, we move to a more straight […]

Why, How and When to Communicate Your Nonprofit Outcomes

Convergent Nonprofit Solutions has successfully completed nonprofit fundraising campaigns throughout the country by focusing on outcomes, not outputs. These are two distinct concepts used to measure and communicate the impact of their programs and activities, outputs and outcomes. Outputs are tangible activities such as the number of classes held, people housed, or children tutored, and […]

Tom’s Takeaways – Corporate Money Realities

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Recently, I received an email with a link to a report produced jointly by Classy, a GoFundMe affiliate, and Double the Donation, entitled Uncover Corporate Partnership Opportunities With Your Nonprofit Data. Since a majority of investors in our client’s campaigns, if not directly related to businesses, have corporate ties, this naturally merited some attention. This […]