Wealth Screening 101: What Nonprofits Need to Know

Your nonprofit engages in many fundraising activities to generate the revenue you need to further

Playbook: Incorporate Planned Giving into a Capital Campaign

Capital campaigns drive incredible impact for nonprofit organizations, funding important new investments that grow their

Navigating Change: Effective Strategies for Economic Development Organizations

Perhaps somewhat ironically, change is often the only constant in business. We live in a

Best Practices in Change Management for Nonprofit Organizations

Change is an inevitable reality for nonprofit organizations, requiring continuous adaptation to meet the evolving

Childcare and Workforce Development: The Critical Link for Fundraising Now

Childcare is getting a lot of press these days.  Beyond the mountain of evidence that

The Interwoven Nature of Infrastructure in Economic Development

Infrastructure serves as the backbone of economic development, playing a crucial role in facilitating the

The Role of Cybersecurity for Nonprofit Organizations

News of cyber-attacks and data breaches have recently crossed our news streaming platforms at a

5 Ways Nonprofits Can Improve Data Quality and Insights

In many ways, a nonprofit is like a small business. While businesses try to increase

Creating a Nonprofit Operating Budget: 4 Best Practices

Thorough financial planning is critical for nonprofits of all sizes and in all verticals. To

Five Examples of Nonprofit Collaboration to Enhance Public Engagement and Fundraising Results

Now, more than ever, collaboration is a necessary implement in the toolbag of every successful

Collaborative Strategies for Housing Development: Fostering Community Prosperity

The importance of available, acceptable, and affordable housing options cannot be overstated in the realm

Don’t Let Commercial Real Estate Pressures Impact Your Economic Development Goals

The economic landscapes of communities nationwide are as unsettled as ever. One facet of this