Address Housing Shortage through Economic Development Strategies

Putting plans in place requires the actual fundraising itself. Chambers of Commerce and Economic Development

Webinar “Innovative Solutions to Address the Growing Housing Crisis” hosted by SEDC

Housing is critical to successful economic development in all communities. According to the U.S. Census

6 Actionable Tips to Improve Your Website’s Accessibility

In today’s digital age, the popularity of online giving is skyrocketing, and your nonprofit can’t

How to Create a Culture of Learning at Your Nonprofit

Your nonprofit’s impact begins with learning. After all, donors, or as Convergent Nonprofit Solutions refers

Why, How and When to Communicate Your Nonprofit Outcomes

Convergent Nonprofit Solutions has successfully completed nonprofit fundraising campaigns throughout the country by focusing on

How to Reduce Risk: 3 Nonprofit Compliance Tips To Follow

When it comes to nonprofit leadership, the most common responsibilities include strategizing fundraisers or marketing

Securing Major Gifts: How to Use AI to Boost Your Strategy

Major gifts are the largest donations your nonprofit receives, so they often play a significant

A Quick Guide to Corporate Philanthropy for Nonprofits

As a nonprofit professional, you’re familiar with the struggle of accomplishing mission-centric objectives with limited

Five Tips for Filling EDO Staffing Gaps

While the advantages of Artificial Intelligence are trendy topics, one consistent truth continues to apply

Tom’s Takeaways – Corporate Money Realities

Recently, I received an email with a link to a report produced jointly by Classy,

Convergent’s Proven Strategy for YMCA Growth

The North American YMCA Development Organization’s (NAYDO) annual conference is one of our favorite events

Amplify Your Nonprofit’s Impact: Google Ad Grant Use Cases

Picture this: You’ve put together your largest digital marketing campaign to date, complete with head-turning