Fundraising FAQs from Tennessee Chamber Pros

Fundraising FAQs from Tennessee Chamber Pros Main Photo

29 Aug 2016

Chamber of Commerce

I very much enjoyed yet another Tennessee Chamber of Commerce Executives (TCCE) conference this year. Kyle Spurgeon and his team from the Jackson Chamber of Commerce were out in full force playing gracious host and did a great job all around. Special personal congratulations were in order this year on multiple fronts, including the recent marriages of Lisa Cothran (now Little!) of the Jackson Chamber and Michael Bobo of the Loudon County Chamber, as well as the recent engagement of Convergent client Paul Latture of the Rutherford County Chamber. And, of course, professional congratulations are in order to Kimberly Lynn of the Goodlettsville Area Chamber for winning Chamber Executive of the Year!

For those of you who didn't get a chance to discuss your funding situation and needs with me, I want to share a few of the questions and answers from the discussions I did have:

Question #1: What sort of things do you raise money for when you work for a Chamber of Commerce?

In most instances, our chamber campaigns are for the purpose of funding a multi-year economic development plan. If your chamber has the responsibility for doing economic development work in your community, then we can help to secure major public and private sector investment, payable over a multi-year pledge period, to implement a bigger and bolder program of work than you might currently be undertaking. We often help chambers to develop those plans, dramatically increase the funding available to implement them, and in the process build a broader and stronger base of support within the community.

However, not all of our chamber campaigns are economic development focused. Many are for the purpose of funding a new chamber building or facilities renovation. Others are not for the chamber directly but rather a specific community project that the chamber is spearheading. For example, we've been brought in to raise money to renovate a historic theater in a small community downtown, to establish an endowment for a fireworks fund to sustain another small community's annual 4th of July event, and to capitalize a local Promise Initiative (similar to what Tennessee Promise does statewide). In short, anytime a chamber needs to raise a lot of money for some special purpose, Convergent can help.

Question #2: We're a small chamber in a rural community. How big do you have to be in order to do a major capital campaign?

We've worked in communities with less than 10,000 in population and we've worked with chambers and economic development organizations that only have a staff of one or two people. It's more important to think about the value proposition you could provide your community if you had sufficient resources. If you can meet an unmet community need or do something that conveys significant value to community stakeholders, we can likely run a successful campaign and do it in a way that is cost effective.

However, before launching any big fundraising campaign we typically conduct a feasibility study (sometimes referred to as an opportunity analysis or campaign planning study). As a part of that study, we'll help you develop your proposed plans and then conduct sufficient confidential stakeholder interviews to assess whether a campaign can be successful, determine a realistic funding goal, identify potential challenges and strategies for overcoming them, establish a realistic timeline and campaign plan, and many other items necessary to position your organization for a successful campaign. You'll know before ever launching a campaign whether your community is big enough, your organization strong enough, and your plans appealing enough to be successful.

Question #3: Some of our members are nonprofit organizations and I know they always need to raise money. How can you help them?

We actually have a full range of services for nonprofit organizations starting with our Making Mission Happen division. This division provides nonprofits the organizational development and planning services they need to build the right vehicle for delivering their mission. Then our fundraising services put the fuel in the tank to drive the vehicle forward. Most of the time we're hired by nonprofits to manage a major capital campaign or to position them to be successful when they do launch a campaign. If you have nonprofit members we'd appreciate being introduced as a resource for them. We're also available to conduct a variety of workshops and seminars for them in a group setting.

Just to give you a sense of the variety of our clientele, we're currently working on projects for three hospitals, a hospice, three charter schools, two YMCAs, a Boy Scout council, a university, a community college, a homelessness services organization, an intellectual disabilities services provider, three Promise Initiatives, an organization battling human trafficking, and an organization providing affordable housing to Air Force widows. Those are just current projects. Over the years we've helped pretty much every type of nonprofit there is.

Do you have any other fundraising questions? Please let us know, and we'll be happy to answer them for you!

About The Author

Mark Bergethon's Profile Photo

Mark Bergethon


Department: Team

I am passionate about empowering nonprofits to accomplish the extraordinary for the communities they serve. Although much of my career has focused on raising money for economic, workforce, and community development organizations (chambers of commerce, EDCs, etc.), I truly love the diversity of our clientele and the interesting variety of projects I get to work on. From public libraries to private schools, from senior assisted living facilities to YMCAs, and even from a puppetry arts group to a ski jump club, I’ve had the chance to help so many great client organizations raise the money they need to fulfill their missions. I love my work!"

As a founding Principal of Convergent Nonprofit Solutions, Mark focuses on empowering nonprofits to accomplish more for the communities and constituencies they serve by dramatically increasing their financial resources. He is recognized as one of the leading national experts in funding nonprofit organizations and community initiatives through fundraising campaigns.

Mark has managed and consulted on fundraising campaigns for a broad array of nonprofits, however, the bulk of Mark’s career has been spent securing funding for chambers of commerce and economic development corporations. His experience ranges from working in small, rural communities of a few thousand people to major metro areas, regions, states, and even national projects. Mark’s specialized expertise includes transitioning membership-based organizations into investment-based organizations, forging public/private partnerships, forming and capitalizing new economic development organizations, and establishing regional economic development collaborations.

Summary of Experience

  • Directed and provided oversight for more than 80 feasibility studies and fundraising campaigns for organizations nationwide, raising hundreds of millions of dollars for a wide variety of nonprofits.
  • Conducted dozens of successful high-profile six, seven, and eight-figure funding requests.
  • Managed major feasibility studies and/or capital campaigns with eight-figure goals in large metro markets such as Orlando, Atlanta, Indianapolis, and Seattle.
  • Led workshops and participated in panel discussions at more than a dozen statewide, regional, national, and international conferences and events for economic development professionals, chamber executives, and nonprofit leaders.
  • Authored two legal reference books, a research paper in an international academic journal, and numerous articles on fundraising and other nonprofit concerns.
  • BA in Political Science from Emory University and a law degree from the University of Georgia, School of Law. Member of the bar in both Georgia and Florida.