Is Your Special Event Really Helping You Reach Your Long-Term Goals?

As a nonprofit, have you ever stopped and wondered why you have a party planning

10 Tips for Effective Community Partnerships

This article was originally written for and published in the International Economic Development Council’s “ED Now” newsletter.

EDO Fundraising: How Does Workforce Development Fit In?

This article was originally written for and published in the International Economic Development Council's "ED

Reversing Disastrous Fundraising Trends

As the Donors Churn, an article in the Winter 2016 issue of Advancing Philanthropy, caught

Andy Coe Named to Southern Economic Development Council’s Board of Directors

We're excited to share the following press release, written and distributed by the Southern Economic

Communicating Your EDO’s Value – Expert Advice from an Economic Development & Site Selection Consultant

During the IEDC Annual Conference in Anchorage, I was honored to participate in the panel session,

Thanks for Joining Us at the Northeastern Economic Developers’ Association Annual Conference!

This year's Northeastern Economic Developers Association’s Annual Conference proved to be another success! More than

Highlights from the ACCE 2015 Annual Conference

We had a great time in Montreal and we hope you did as well! As

Hospitals & Economic Development: A Fundraising Dream Team

At first glance, hospitals and economic development may not seem to go hand-in-hand, but they

Bob Johnson, Founding Principal, Retires from Convergent

It is with mixed emotions we inform you that Bob Johnson, one of our founding

4 Steps to Keep Your Board Engaged in a Capital Campaign

Initiating a capital campaign is an exciting opportunity. It’s a time when you can help

Looking Forward to an Exciting New Year!

2014 was a busy year for the Convergent team. We began 20 new projects and