4 Essential Steps to Planning a Successful Fundraising Campaign

The New York Times recently had an article on precrastination, which is defined as “the

Three Practical Steps to Build a Powerful Nonprofit Fundraising Board

In identifying effective board members for your nonprofit, fundraising should be a key skill set

4 Quick & Easy Ways to Increase Your Board’s Fundraising Impact in 2019

How to Increase Your Board's Fundraising Impact My favorite question to ask when leading a

Des Moines Rocked! A Quick Look Back at #ACCE18

The 2018 ACCE Convention did not disappoint! Very strong content and wonderful network development for

Donors v. Investors: 5 Differences You Need to Know

Over 20 years ago, the idea of discussing “investors” and “return on investment” in relation to nonprofit organizations seemed preposterous. Today, however, it is not uncommon to hear both terms used widely throughout the sector.

Four Vital Signs of a Healthy Capital Campaign

Is Your Capital Campaign Designed For Success? Before a surgeon can operate, the surgical team

3 Steps to Become Less Reliant on Government Funding

Moving Your Nonprofit Away From Government Funding Many nonprofit organizations have been solely dependent on

The #1 Question Your Feasibility Study Must Answer

Feasibility studies are a critical first step in fundraising. Therefore, crafting them with care is

The Five W’s of Investor Relations

Your capital campaign is over. You’ve secured the funding needed to implement your strategic plan, grow your services, make capital improvements, etc. Now what? Having a strong investor relations program is a critical element of every capital campaign.

Telling the Story of Impact

Does your case for support look something like this? "We have to serve more people,

Funding Feasibility Studies 101

Conducting a funding feasibility study is an important first step every organization must take before

How Fast Does Your Website “De-Dumb” a Reader?

I love business-led, civic-economic nonprofit entities (chambers of commerce), but the affection is seldom nurtured