4 Nonprofit Web Design Tips to Boost Transparency Online

4 Nonprofit Web Design Tips to Boost Transparency Online When site visitors land on your

Webinar: Annual Campaigns with Harness Giving

Convergent's Senior Director of Client Services, Rex Otey, recently joined our strategic partner Harness Giving

7 Important Fundraising Metrics to Track During Campaigns

There’s a lot that goes into planning a fundraising campaign, from developing a marketing plan

5 Benefits of Outsourcing Your Nonprofit Resource Development Services

Nonprofit resource development requires significant investments of time and energy from a nonprofit’s staff. As

Leveraging Your EOY Fundraising Data for Campaigns

In Q1, nonprofits, chambers, and economic development organizations should review their 2022 giving data in

The Difference: Community Branding for Workforce Attraction

Join us in a discussion with John Hull, Executive Director of the Roanoke Regional Partnership,

How to Build Credibility Through Nonprofit Marketing

A major part of building your nonprofit’s case for support and fundraising Asking Rights™  is

The Concerns Keeping Community College Leaders Up At Night

Declining enrollment, high dropout rates, and decreased state funding are creating a perfect storm of

Raise More Money Using Storytelling & Dynamic Communication

Tom Ahern, a renowned nonprofit copywriting expert, joined Convergent Principal Jay Werth on a recent

5 Steps to Strengthen your Resource Development Strategy

Having spent my entire career in the nonprofit world, I’m all too well acquainted with

Year ‘Round Lessons from a Year-End Appeal

In the “Tom’s Takeaways” section of our December newsletter, we shared an end-of-year appeal from

The Investment Driven Model & Why it works for Rescue Missions

It’s no secret that nonprofit organizations are finding fundraising more challenging in a post pandemic,