Outputs or Outcomes? The Difference in Dollars

Nomenclature is important. The difference between communicating “outputs” and “outcomes” can lead to an increase

Still Confused by “Capital” Campaign?

When you hear the term capital campaign, you may immediately think of architecture drawings, design

Leadership Gaps and Their Impact

Leadership drives everything in an organization …. strategy, talent, execution, customers, stakeholders, funding, and systems.

Communication and Dialogue are Keys to Long-Term Nonprofit Success

I have spent the majority of my career working with or for nonprofit organizations. One

Is Your Board of Directors Unhealthy When it Comes to Fundraising?

Having spent much of my career as a CEO reporting to boards, there have been

5 Tips for Your Nonprofit to Start the Year Strong

As we finally leap into 2021, this new year presents fresh opportunities for nonprofits. So

Studies Show Now is the Time for Capital Campaign Fundraising Efforts

The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic will be felt long after masks are cast

A Message for the New Year 2021

Never would I have imagined that in my message for the New Year from Convergent

Introducing The 5-Minute Fundraiser

Here at Convergent Nonprofit Solutions, we’re excited to announce the release of The 5-Minute Fundraiser,

Transitioning Away From Events for Nonprofit Fundraising

Fundraising events have unquestionably played a significant role in supporting organizations across the nonprofit sector.

5 Insights to Increase Annual Funding for Your Nonprofit

As we are drawn closer to these seasons of giving, organizations are beginning to think

Funding Your Nonprofit During COVID-19

This challenging and unprecedented time has left no one unaffected, especially within the nonprofit sector.